The DN300-SA is a telemetry unit with 8 available channels that can be used for monitoring and/or control applications. The unit includes a modem that allows remote collection of data and remote control via the internet website. The DN300-SA is used where a single monitoring and or control site, with up to 8 inputs or outputs is required, and where no communication to other field sites via radio is required.
The DN300-SA can be easily upgraded to a gateway easily by connecting a radio and antenna. Other communication modules can be used depending on the location of the site and future sites. These include 0.25W and 1.0W radio, WiFi, satellite, and yet-to-be-released Lora Radio.
Applications include:
• Tank and channel level monitoring
• Weather station or weather sensors
• Soil moisture
• Flow meter, pressure sensor, flow switch
• Pump control – electric or diesel
• Solenoid control
• Water quality sensors
DN300-SA is supplied with:
• Enclosure
• Main board
• Modem and antenna
• Solar panel
• Battery