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Horticultural Monitoring and Control

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MAC Systems provides a range of monitoring and control solutions for horticulture. 

Solutions include: 

· Soil Moisture Monitoring 

· Weather sensors and weather station monitoring 

· Plant sensors – fruit size, sap flow, dendrometers 

· Level, pressure, flow monitoring 

· Solenoid control – wireless, cabled or a combination of both 

· Pump control – electric or diesel 

· Connection to Variable Speed Drives 

· Connection to fertigation injecting systems and pumps 

With our system, clients can start with priority requirements, which could either be monitoring or control, and build onto the system over time as their needs change. 

All our boards are configurable to allow for a range of options, whether monitoring, control or both. 

Depending on the existing or new irrigation layout, we are able to design the control and monitoring solution to provide the most suitable and cost effective solution for current and future needs. 

Our system provides remote access to the data being collected, status of the system, manual operation or schedulable irrigation programmes through a web site that can be accessed on any web enabled device (PC, laptop, Tablet or phone). When a schedule is created, the data is sent to the gateway or main control unit via the internet using either the mobile network or WiFi connection. The schedule will then commence at the programmed starting date and time. Completed schedules can be reused or set to continue automatically on selected days. 

Operating schedules can be viewed online to monitor the progress or make adjustments, and SMS and/or email alerts can be setup to warn users that faults have occurred. Where applicable, pump run times can be set manually or can be linked to programmed schedules.

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A DN200 radio site that has four channels available to plug required modules into. This site has two 12 VDC latching solenoid control modules to control two valves, a 4-20mA module to end an inline pressure sensor and an SDI-12 module to read a soil moisture probe. 

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DN300 radio site that has eight channels. This site is controlling four valves, reading a soil moisture probe and a weather station.

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The gateway for these monitoring and control sites located on the water tank, which is also monitoring water level. 

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New pump site installation. DN300 gateway connected to the VSD. Monitoring flow and channel level. 

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Gateway installation at pump shed. 24VAC solenoid wiring from valves to original times based controller have been re-wired into the gateway allowing for remote web based control of valves.

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Gateway board with modem and radio modules plugged in. This unit is controlling 5 x 24VAC solenoids and also connected to a Kenosha Diesel engine control panel for remote monitoring and control of the pump engine. 

DN200 radios in the field are connected to soil moisture probes, inline pressure sensors and a weather station. If there are future issues with broken cable to valved, radios will be connected to these valves for wireless control. 

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Summed soil moisture 10-50cm with full and refill levels.

Separate level soil moisture chart with rainfall and pressure readings. 

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Sap flow sensor displaying water use in litres per hour.

Sap flow data with solar radiation overlay.

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Weather station data display.

MAC Systems


ABN: 35 631 227 695

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